Wednesday, June 26, 2019

God help you if you are READING the title & subtitle of my blog and English is your second, third or fourth language

Actually, God help you if you are reading the title & subtitle of my blog and English is your first and only language.

But you’d both have a fighting chance, if I shouted out the title and subtitle aloud, with all my rhetorical ability.

Then you might realize that it is penicillin itself that is rebelling and that Nature is back!!! (with a vengeance), not that there exists actually penicillin rebels who come out of the back (bone) of Mother Nature.

Now my Blog/YouTube channel/E-book is very much about humans heavily involved in early penicillin who were rebels against the medical and scientific consensus of their day, but their activities aren’t the main thrust of my work.

Rather, I have long been convinced that the activities of university trained post modernists is but a small 1% of the overall daily activities that the rest of us 99% having been doing ever since 1945 to create this Post Modern Era.

The unexpected but total triumph of natural Mother Nature made penicillin over Man made synthetic penicillin was a highly visible symbol of “The Return of (human respect for the overwhelming size and unpredictability of) Nature” onto the consciousness of educated, well to do, urban humans of North Western European origin post 1945.

(Rural, poor, under educated non-Europeans never thought Nature had left.)

Post 1945 we have all moved from living better chemically to cherishing anything that even claims to be “natural”.

And our recent “turn to risk aversion” is something that rural humans never lost, living as they were very close to Mother Nature’s coal face.....

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